Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mmm... Fresh baked bread

I haven't done a "creative stuff" post in a while, because the last couple of weeks I've been knitting dishcloths. Ooh, exciting. :P They're not even fancy dishcloths; they're just mitered squares with dishcloth cotton.

So instead I will talk about fresh baked bread. Mmmm... Whenever I make bread at home, I always wonder how they can call the stuff in the store "bread". It's just so different from real bread.

Now, although I like to cook, I'm also quite lazy, so I've been using this No Knead Bread recipe from Hillbilly Housewife. Don't worry about the "2 or 3 hours" in the title; your actual kitchen time will be maybe 15 minutes, and that's if you take your time mixing the flour in. Mostly it's just waiting for the yeast to do its thing, and you can go do other stuff while you wait. (In fact, I suggest it. Yeast isn't that interesting to watch.)

A couple of notes if you try the recipe:

  1. It's not a very firm dough. Actually, it's kind of slimy. If you get something that with the consistency of silly putty, but sticky, that's fine. You haven't done anything wrong, and it'll still come out good. (If you get something more like normal bread dough, that's fine too. It's a forgiving recipe.)
  2. Be sure to rinse the dough off everything before it hardens, or it's a bitch to get off. (BTW, the sink strainer counts as part of everything.)
  3. Expect the towel you cover the rising bread with to get a little goopy. Sticky silly putty rising toward it.
  4. If you put sesame seed on top, it's really good, but unlike store-bought bread, the sesame seeds actually impart a taste. Be prepared for that.

And of course as an extra perk, when your make bread, your whole house has that wonderful fresh bread smell. (Well, my little open-floorplan house does, anyway.)

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